Kesemua mereka memulangkan semula wang tuntutan setelah audit dibuat mendapati ahli keluarga mereka membuat tuntutan tidak sepatutnya untuk tambang kapal terbang dan kereta.
Julia sahaja kena membayar semula lebih kurang AUD $ 100,000.
Itu di negara Australia, di Malaysia dah berapa kali laporan Audit dikeluarkan dengan terbongkar segala ketirisan dan kebocoran wang rakyat.
Apa yang berlaku di Malaysia , SPRM akan buat kenyataan akan buat siasatan. Selepas tu tiada pun pendakwaan. Wang rakyat lesap begitu sahaja.
baca berita di bawah :

PM Julia Gillard had to repay travel expenses. Picture: Ray Strange Herald Sun
PRIME Minister Julia Gillard is among federal MPs who have been forced to repay almost $100,000 to taxpayers after wrongly claiming family travel perks.The Herald Sun reveals 65 federal MPs have repaid air fares and car transport in the past five years - many after being caught out abusing an entitlements scheme that costs $370 million a year.
Sustainability and Population Minister Tony Burke made 15 separate repayments involving family travel, totalling almost $7000.
Liberal MP Dennis Jensen was forced to dig even deeper, paying back $13,411, blaming an adviser for wrong advice.
Opposition health spokesman Peter Dutton, touted by some as a future Liberal leader, has repaid $4618 in eight separate repayments.
Even the PM made 10 repayments totalling $438 for taxi fares she said were "inadvertently" claimed by a family member.
Ms Gillard said the money was "repaid immediately as soon as they were identified".
The details, obtained under Freedom of Information, will do little to boost public confidence in the parliamentary entitlements scheme and come as the Government wrestles with reforms to the scheme, including the Gold Pass rorted by many former MPs.
Deputy Speaker Peter Slipper, who has repaid more than $17,000 over the past decade, has paid back $1550 in family travel entitlements.
Former foreign affairs minister Alexander Downer, who retired from Parliament in 2008, repaid $2250; Deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop returned $5468.
Well-placed sources said some federal MPs routinely "pushed the envelope" in claiming entitlements, which are rigorously checked by the Finance Department.
Former Liberal leader Malcolm Turnbull said he made two "unprompted" repayments for interstate travel by his wife, Lucy, and son.
Ballarat MP and Labor frontbencher Catherine King was asked to repay $1881 for travel by her husband and subsequently lodged a submission calling for changes to reflect the needs of breastfeeding MPs.
Negara Kapir lebih islam dari negara islam
Islam tu dah cukup baik jika penganut nya turuti amalan islam tapi masaalahnya di malaysia ni pemimpin melayu puak2 umporno ni, mrk utamakan pulus dan kepentingan diri dari ajaran islam sebeno.... maka wajib kita nyahkan mrk pru13 nanti bagi membuka lambaran baru malaysia lebih maju....
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