Di USM, kira-kira 30 orang yang berkumpul depan kampusnya diganggu sekumpulan individu kira-kira sepuluh orang, yang menyaksikan Penyelaras Suaram Sean Ho dan dua wartawan dikasari ketika membuat liputan.
Semuanya bermula apabila seorang lelaki bertopi keledar dan berbaju oren dengan logo 1Malaysia bertempik kepada peserta himpunan menyuruh mereka pulang atas alasan Pakatan Rakyat sudah menang di Pulau Mutiara itu.
"Jangan ganggu keamanan kami di sini," jerit lelaki itu.

Pelbagai kelompok masyarakat hadir, termasuk mahasiswa, kartunis, ahli politik dan kumpulan peguam.
Antara mereka Naib Presiden PKR Nurul Izzah Anwar, Pengerusi Bersama BERSIH Datuk S Ambiga dan ayah Adam sendiri yang datang daripada Pulau Pinang sejak Sabtu lalu -- hari pertama anaknya ditahan.-malaysiakini

UMNO thugs in Penang disrupt vigil for Adam Adli...
A candlelight vigil by some 30 people in front of Universiti Sains Malaysia showing solidarity with detained student Adam Adli Abdul Hamid was disrupted by a rowdy group last night.
The thugs, numbering about 10, shoved a student and Suaram coordinator Sean Ho and hit two journalists on their arms during the vigil.

The vigil began about 8.20pm with the singing of the Negara-ku, followed by several brief talks given by participants.
The protesters were shouted at by the rowdy gang that turned up soon after the vigil began, but they stopped shouting when Penang Deputy Chief MInister I Rashid Hasnon delivered his speech.
One of more vociferous men in the rowdy gang, who wore a helmet and an orange shirt with the 1Malaysia logo, shouted at the people in support of Adam to go home, since Pakatan Rakyat had already won Penang.
"Do not disturb our peaceful life here," he shouted.
Ho talked to the man and tried to calm him down, but he shouted, "I am a local person, don't try to chase me away".

Minutes later, Parti Socialist Malaysia leader Choo Chon Kai in his talk said the authorities could arrest Adam, but more like him would rise and stand up to the struggle.
Another member of the thuggish gang then used a loud hailer and condemned the protesters for "violating the law and disturbing other people's lives".
He described the university students involved in the vigil as "trouble makers" who do not appreciate the education opportunities provided by the BN government.
Former Penang Umno Youth chief Norman Dahlan was among those spotted asking the protesters to leave.
Choo tried to talk to the group, asking them to respect the people's right to assemble, but they turned aggressive and started shooing and pushing away those holding the vigil.

The Malaysiakini journalist lodged a report at the Sungai Nibong police station late last night.
Bukit Bendera MP Zairil Khir Johari condemned the incident, saying his assistant Rozaimin Alias, who was among the protesters, was roughly shoved by the hostile group.
Others who spoke during the vigil were Dema organising secretary Yong Kin Yin, USM Student Action Council representative Muhammad Firdaus Abdul Rahim and Persatuan Progresif India Malaysia representative Kumaresan Arumugam.
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression. We urge the government to allow these young people to voice their views," Rashid said in his speech.
Those in the vigil took a break during the Azan period for their Muslim colleagues to pray.
Several participants complained to Malaysiakini that the thugs ridiculed them as "stupid Malays who worked with the Chinese, who asked them to eat s**t". - malaysiakini

Pelbagai kaum dan keturunan berhimpun di depan Balai Polis Jinjang bantah penahanan Adam...
Pelbagai pihak dari pelbagai kaum dan keturunan berhimpun di depan Balai Polis Jinjang malam ini bagi membantah penahanan Adam Adli.
Mereka berkumpul secara aman sambil menyalakan lilin tanda sokongan moral untuk aktivis pelajar yang ditahan di Seksyen 4 Akta Hasutan dan Seksyen 124(b) Kanun Keseksaan itu.
Tidak kurang 2,500 rakyat dari pelbagai keturunan, tua dan muda serta lelaki dan wanita telah berkampung sebagai menunjukkan sokongan padu kepada beliau yang dikini sedang ditahan di lokap Balai Polis Jinjang setelah mendapat perintah reman selama 5 hari.

Antara yang kelihatan adalah Nurul Izzah, Datuk Ambiga Srevanasan serta kedua ibu bapa Adam Adli sendiri.
Penahanan Adam Adli Abdul Halim mengikut Seksyen 124(b) Kanun Keseksaan dan juga Seksyen 4 Akta Hasutan dikecam Ketua Pemuda PAS, Nasrudin Hasan sebelum ini.
Beliau menyifatkan tindakan menahan Adam sebagai lambang ketakutan pemerintah dan mempertikaikan apa salah Adam yang ingin menyuarakan keinginan rakyat Malaysia kepada pemerintah.
"Saya mewakili seluruh warga Dewan Pemuda PAS Malaysia, mendoakan agar Adam Adli tidak patah semangat mendepani ujian getir perjuangan ini.
"Serentak itu kami mengecam sekeras-kerasnya tindakan tidak bertamadun yang dilakukan oleh pihak berkuasa ke atas saudara Adam Adli," katanya pada satu kenyataan media.
Pada 18 Mei lalu, Adam Adli dilaporkan ditahan di lokap Balai Polis Jinjang bersabit dengan satu siatan di bawah seksyen 4 (1) Akta Hasutan 1948, pada jam 3.15 petang Sabtu lalu.
Berikutan itu, semalam dipetik daripada satu portal berita, Ketua Polis Kuala Lumpur, Datuk Mohmad Salleh mengesahkan bekas pelajar Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) itu ditahan reman sehingga Khamis ini.

Perintah tahanan reman itu dikeluarkan seorang Majistret di Balai Polis Jinjang, tengah hari semalam.
“Adam Adli ditahan reman bagi membantu siasatan berhubung kenyataannya yang menghasut orang ramai menggulingkan kerajaan menerusi demonstrasi jalanan yang dibuatnya baru-baru ini," katanya.
Dalam pada itu, Nasrudin yang merupakan Ahli Parlimen Temerloh berkata ramai pemimpin politik daripada BN dan akhbar yang pro-kerajaan turut mengeluarkan kenyataan secara terang-terangan berbaur hasutan namun tidak diambil tindakan.-harakahdaily

Penangkapan Adam Adli dibawah Seksyen 4 Akta Hasutan dan Seksyen 124(b) Kanun Keseksaan telah mengundang tidak kurang 2,500 rakyat dari pelbagai keturunan,tua dan muda serta lelaki dan wanita telah berkampung depan Balai Polis Jinjang malam ini sebagai menunjukkan sokongan padu kepada beliau yang dikini sedang ditahan di lokap Balai Polis Jinjang setelah mendapat perintah reman selama 5 hari.

Mereka berkumpul secara aman sambil menyalakan lilin.
Semakin Ramai Orang Berhimpun Di Hadapan Balai Polis Jinjang Dan Memberi Sokongan Kepada Aktivis Pelajar Adam Adli Yang Telah Di Tahan Di Lokap Balai Polis Jinjang.....

Pelbagai Lapisan Masyarakat Lapisan Umur & Kaum Berhimpun Berhampiran Balai Polis Jinjang Ketika Ini Bagi Menyatakan Solidariti Buat ADAM ADLI...

depan Police Station Jinjang

Bapa Adam Adli -Di Hadapan Balai Polis Jinjang...

Seorang Adam tumbang atau dilokap, saya yakin jutaan Adam akan muncul.- bapa Adam
Make stand on ex-judge's statement, IGP told...
the arrest of student activist Adam Adli, the opposition also wants new
inspector-general of police (IGP) Khalid Abu Bakar to explain why no
action has been taken against other individuals - including retired
Court of Appeal judge Mohd Noor Abdullah - for their controversial
police have come down hard on Adam. What about the judge? Has any
action been taken against him? If yes, what action; and if no, why not?"
Puchong MP Gobind Singh of the DAP asked in a statement issued today.
Gobind (left) reminded Khalid to ensure that there is fairness in the manner in which the police conduct themselves.
"He cannot and must not allow any further loss of public confidence in the force. His duty should rather be to rebuild confidence, to convince Malaysians that the police will not engage in double standards in the course of their work, in the course of pursuing justice.
should not follow in the footsteps of his predecessor (former IGP
Ismail Omar). He cannot and must not remain silent when criticisms are
channeled against his men. He must explain," he added.
Adam (right) was arrested last Saturday for allegedly making seditious remarks at a public forum last Monday, during which calls were made for massive street rallies to express dissatisfaction against the 13th general election results.
He has been remanded for five days and is being investigated under Section 124B of the Penal Code and Section 4 of the Sedition Act.
Section 124B is a new provision introduced late last year to deal with acts "detrimental to parliamentary democracy".
'Cease arbitrary persecution'
Echoing the same call, Gobind's party colleague and first-term Serdang MP Ong Kian Ming urged the police to release Adam immediately and to cease their arbitrary and selective persecution.
"I strongly question the decision to selectively detain Adam in consideration of the fact that many prominent leaders in the Malaysian political and activism scene have similarly expressed their unhappiness at the Malaysian election results, along with their support for public rallies.
they have not been questioned, detained or charged for these remarks.
Neither have the hundreds of thousands of ordinary Malaysians who
participated peacefully in the recent 'Blackout' rallies been
questioned, detained or charged." Ong (left) said in a statement today.
The arrest of Adam and the charging of PKR's Seri Setia state assemblyperson Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad for organising the protest rally in Kelana Jaya on May 8, he said, were selective persecution as well as the bullying of youth leaders and activists by the BN government.
"Perhaps the BN government is doing this in the hope of sending a message to young Malaysians to cease involvement in student activism and youth-led grassroots democracy activities that would appear to challenge the hegemony of its rule."
Ong stressed that the selective harassment has put Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's notion of "political transformation" and "national reconciliation" to great shame.
"How can Malaysia aspire to be a progressive and forward-looking democracy if the voices of its young talents and future leaders are stifled?" he asked.
arrest of Adam also drew flak from PAS Youth, which described it as a
"cruel and biased act against Malaysians who voiced out against
electoral fraud".
PAS Youth publicity chief Riduan Mohd Nor (right) questioned police inaction against Malay daily Utusan Malaysia and Umno leaders who made racist remarks against the Chinese community.
"In fact, the action of fanning racial flames in our multiracial society is more dangerous than Adam's statement," Riduan said in a statement.
"If the police feel that it was seditious and it affected parliamentary democracy, they should know that hundreds of thousands of Malaysians are saying the same thing.
"Arresting one Adam will not stop the anger of the people against the violation of democracy by the Election Commission. Arrest Adam today and tomorrow hundreds of thousands more Adam will rise," Riduan added.-malaysiakini

Gobind (left) reminded Khalid to ensure that there is fairness in the manner in which the police conduct themselves.
"He cannot and must not allow any further loss of public confidence in the force. His duty should rather be to rebuild confidence, to convince Malaysians that the police will not engage in double standards in the course of their work, in the course of pursuing justice.

Adam (right) was arrested last Saturday for allegedly making seditious remarks at a public forum last Monday, during which calls were made for massive street rallies to express dissatisfaction against the 13th general election results.
He has been remanded for five days and is being investigated under Section 124B of the Penal Code and Section 4 of the Sedition Act.
Section 124B is a new provision introduced late last year to deal with acts "detrimental to parliamentary democracy".
'Cease arbitrary persecution'
Echoing the same call, Gobind's party colleague and first-term Serdang MP Ong Kian Ming urged the police to release Adam immediately and to cease their arbitrary and selective persecution.
"I strongly question the decision to selectively detain Adam in consideration of the fact that many prominent leaders in the Malaysian political and activism scene have similarly expressed their unhappiness at the Malaysian election results, along with their support for public rallies.

The arrest of Adam and the charging of PKR's Seri Setia state assemblyperson Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad for organising the protest rally in Kelana Jaya on May 8, he said, were selective persecution as well as the bullying of youth leaders and activists by the BN government.
"Perhaps the BN government is doing this in the hope of sending a message to young Malaysians to cease involvement in student activism and youth-led grassroots democracy activities that would appear to challenge the hegemony of its rule."
Ong stressed that the selective harassment has put Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's notion of "political transformation" and "national reconciliation" to great shame.
"How can Malaysia aspire to be a progressive and forward-looking democracy if the voices of its young talents and future leaders are stifled?" he asked.

PAS Youth publicity chief Riduan Mohd Nor (right) questioned police inaction against Malay daily Utusan Malaysia and Umno leaders who made racist remarks against the Chinese community.
"In fact, the action of fanning racial flames in our multiracial society is more dangerous than Adam's statement," Riduan said in a statement.
"If the police feel that it was seditious and it affected parliamentary democracy, they should know that hundreds of thousands of Malaysians are saying the same thing.
"Arresting one Adam will not stop the anger of the people against the violation of democracy by the Election Commission. Arrest Adam today and tomorrow hundreds of thousands more Adam will rise," Riduan added.-malaysiakini
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