Ceritanya , di bawah :
The fearless and the chicken-hearted
Auntie Wong, 65, lives in the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur.
Wearing yellow, she took a bus to the city early in the morning last Saturday.
Her bus was blocked in the vicinity of KL Hospital.
All she could do was alight from the bus and walk, although it was still some 10km from her destination.
She inched on slowly, planning her route as she walked. She should have taken the shady Jalan Pahang to the Kampung Baru Malay enclave before turning into the rowdy Chow Kit.
After that she came to the bustling Jalan Sultan Ismail, and then took the small lane to Little India.
After walking along several major thoroughfares and passing a few overheads, she came to Masjid Jamek and was making her way towards the National Mosque.
Not far from Dayabumi, she was stopped by some policemen.
When asked why she was wearing yellow, she queried, "Why can't I wear yellow?"
She plodded on and finally met the rally crowd just past noon.
Auntie Wong was no seasoned street fighter. She lacked experience and was hardly prepared for what lay ahead.
She carried with her an overly simple waist pouch. No towels, no water bottles, no salt nor a protective goggle.
She was apparently drained of energy, her movements slowed and almost incapacitated.
When the water pillar descended upon her, she was completely drenched, and when the tear gas engulfed her, she was suffocated, and her breathing choked.
However, she continued to hold firmly to the flower bouquet someone had given her.
After the rally, she dragged her soaked and exhausted body along for a few more miles before she could catch her bus home.
And she had the slightest idea that the picture of her standing in front of the anti-riot squad was circulated around the globe the following day.
x x x x
Ibrahim Ali said he would confront Bersih with his blood and defend... something that even he himself was not too sure of.
He said he would gather 15,000 Perkasa fighters to take to the street on July 9.
He wanted to lock down the Penang Bridge, and warned the Chinese: Stay away from the street and stock some food at home.
He said his tolerance had been stretched to a limit. Sounds familiar?
The tension surrounding the Bersih rally was to a very large extent attributed to this one man. Many were apparently appalled by him.
On the eve of the big day, he said Perkasa would not take to the street as it could not get a permit.
He then told the world he was barred by his wife from going out on Saturday.
He nevertheless urged his Perkasa sympathisers to 'take a stroll' at Taman Titiwangsa in a show of force.
When finally contacted by the media, he said he was not feeling well!
Auntie Annie - Women of Liberty" BERSIH 2.0.

oleh Topeng Perak..
Yang pakai baju kuning tu "Auntie Annie"... Akhirnya dinobat sebagai "Women of Liberty" untuk event BERSIH 2.0.
Gua dengan 2 orang lagi sahabat Photographer sorang berbangsa India dan sorang lagi Melayu sempat lepak minum-minum dengan dia dekat sebijik kedai mamak pagi tu.
Auntie Annie suruh kami ikut mana saja dia pergi & dia mintak kami ambilkan gambar dia banyak-banyak kalau Polis tangkap dia sebab dia cakap nak buat kenang-kenangan & nak tunjuk pada anak cucu dia bahawa dia adalah salah seorang yang terlibat dalam melakar sejarah memperjuang Hak Rakyat Malaysia.
Masa gua jalan-jalan dengan Aunti Annie, gua tanya dia - kenapa Auntie turun ke jalanan hari ni, tak rasa penat ke..?
Dengan suara lantang Auntie Annie jawab - "Umur saya sudah mau habis, sebelum saya mati, saya mau buat berjasa pada Negara saya". Kemudian Auntie Annie berjalan lebih laju dari gua bila dengar suara penyokong BERSIH 2.0 yang sayup-sayup kedengaran dari jauh.
Kami berpecah...Gua stay dekat LRT Masjid Jamek, Auntie terus ke Petaling Street.
Sejam lepas tu gua jumpa Auntie Annie depan Puduraya dalam keadaan basah kuyup dah mata kemerahan sebab kena sembur dekat Water Canon & kena tembak dengan Gas Pemedih Mata.
Bunga dekat tangan Auntie Annie masih dalam genggaman.
*Gambar ini menafikan tuduhan KERAjaan & proksi-proksinya bahawa kaum China tidak menyokong perjuangan BERSIH 2.0. Ternyata KERAjaan ketinggalan jauh dalam menyatu-padukan pelbagai kaum kerana Perjuangan yang jauh berbeza.
apalah bro, bkn minta ibrahim bercuti luar negara, mintak dia melucutkan kewarganegaraanya, apa punya melayulah brahim ni kasi malu satu dunia aje
berahim ali....lu semmmmmbang...lu ati banyak takot...kalau lu punya lutot goncang....buang itu kasi anjing makan ma...
dia manusia x bermaruah.....melalak sana sini sebagai ketua Perkasa tapi lupa hutang dia kepada PAS belum lagi langsai....ni lah balasannya orang yang tak reti bersyukur...Agung pun xnak jumpa dia
auntie anne, saya bangga dengan anda
Berahim ni kan jaguh kampung aje (Kt Dada Akhbar aje), nyorok belakang polis boleh lah, lu org tak degi citer ke masa dia kena ISA dulu menangis, troyak kate org perak,,,
ni spesis katak gerutu.......celah kangkang manyak kutu.muka pun dah macam hantu.....spesis ni patut hantaq pi kat pulau yg manyak biawak,lidah terjelir serupa spesis ni la...
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